Thursday, August 30, 2007

Your Thoughts Are The Blueprint of What You Experience in Life

Have you ever met someone that was successful and didn't have the education or conducive environment to back it up? I have.... and this was because they didn't let their circumstances change how they think! I read an article recently and it said:

Common Reasons Why People Fail to Manifest What They Want

a)Holding a belief that success is simply luck
b)Not being able to change their thoughts
c)Wasting attention on things they don’t want
d)Having no goals or dreams in life
e)Not understanding that they have a choice

Successful people simply shift their thinking patterns..... (this being the major key, responsible for changing their lives). Creating "realitys" is a God given ability that we have through our conscious thoughts. Your ideas, beliefs, and concepts are composing the world that you experience daily!

If you would like to revolutionize something in your life, DO IT!! Simply change your attention, thoughts, beliefs and concepts....
Just make sure God signs your Blueprint with the signature of approval..... : )

Monday, August 27, 2007

Recipe For A Happy Life

Take a couple of whole months, clean them thoroughly of all Bitterness, Rumors, Hate and Jealousy; in other words, make them as fresh and as clean as possible.

Now cut each month into as many parts as there are days...

But don't make up the whole batch at once..
Instead prepare it One Day At A Time.

Mix well each day:
One part of Faith,
One of Patience,
One of Courage,
One of Work,

Add one part each of:

Blend with:
A Heaping spoonful of Prayer, and a
Heaping spoonful of Good Deeds.

Season the whole with:
a dash of Good Spirit,
a sprinkle of Fun,
a pinch of Play
a cupful of Good Humor.
Pour all of this into a Vessel Of Love,

Cook thoroughly over Radiant Joy

Garnish with Smiles
serve with Quietness, Unselfishness and Cheerfulness
And you are bound to have a Happy Life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


This song has been echoing in my head for days now. It's been just what the doctor ordered!! I'm sure there's a handful of others that will find this song therapeutic along with me!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Have you ever stopped to think about eternity?! It's mind boggling.... (at least for me it is)! It actually hurts my head!
Sometimes in our finite state of mind, we find our selves so subject to the limitations or conditions that space and time hold on us! We relate everything to a past, a present, and a future, but God exists in eternity....a timeless existence where categories of past, present, and future just do not apply.
There's a song that says "Hold to Gods unchanging hand..... Build your hopes on things eternal"!
As I thought about this yesterday and today, it put some things back into proper perspective for me. It's not about the house you live in, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, etc...... because like everything else in this world, it will eventually be History! I was reminded again that only one life, so soon it will pass. And only whats done for Christ will last!!

P.S The picture is way cooler enlarged

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In Loving Memory of a Beautiful Little Bird
Yesterday at 5:30PM me and my mom were driving on Sarcee Trail and in a short amount of time, we saw that there was a little family of birds about to cross the road.... The smaller ones were waiting at the curb while one of the parents started their journey to cross...... The rest you can imagine for yourself :, (
It was so sad.... I hope the rest of the little birds didn't watch it all happen! It wasn't my moms fault,.... (she was crying so hard) and I did too!

...............but it's in heaven now..... and maybe I'll get to jump on its back and fly it when I get there!!